What to Expect at Christ Lutheran Church

What is a worship service at Christ Lutheran Church like?

Before either worship service begins, the congregation is welcomed and announcements are made. We currently offer a Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am both in-person and digitally streamed on CLC FaceBook and YouTube. We alternate every Sunday between the Jazz Worship Service and a Traditional Service.


What's the Music like?

The Music at CLC is chosen by CLC's Music Director and Pastor and is a mix of classic and contemporary hymns, spirituals and seasonal songs.  Special music includes our Bell Choir & Vocal Choir.  Our music director Ben Lakly, comes to us from Kennesaw University where he majors in Jazz Piano.

Can I take Communion?
We invite all communicants of all Christian churches to receive Holy Communion. We believe that Christ instituted this sacrament in which we are given Christ’s body and blood. We believe Christ is truly present and that we receive forgiveness, life, and salvation. Please follow the directions of the usher. 

What denomination is CLC?

CLC is a member congregation of the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  

How do people dress? 
There is no dress code at CLC. At any service, there will be people dressed to the nines while others wear 'worship casual' and many styles in between the two.
What about my kids?
Children are encouraged to attend services with their parents and to come forward during the five minute Bible Story / Children's Sermon to hear the Gospel in simple terms. The Bible Story / Children's Sermon is great for the adults to hear, as well, and provides talking points between parents and children later in the day or, better yet, throughout the week. Younger children who have not made their First Communion are welcomed to be with their families at the altar rail where Pastor will bless them and offer them a Goldfish cracker.
Children are assigned to classes by age ranging from toddlers through high school. Confirmation classes are held during this time for Grades 6-8.  
How do I get connected to others at CLC?
CLC members are friendly and willing to introduce visitors and new members to others in the congregation. Please feel free to watch the digital worship on Sundays at 10:30am to get a feel of our church style. If you are interested in more information on joining CLC, please email Cindy Vining   clcwestcobb@gmail.com, for more information.
