
                                 Sunday School 9:30                                                                  Worship Service 10:30


 Come and join us this Sunday, all are welcome.

Worship from Home
March 16, 2025


    Children's Bulletin:

    Watch the live stream on

    CLC Facebook

    CLC YouTube

If you are interested or know someone who would be interested in the Youth Ministry Coordinator position please click on the link below to apply.


On Sunday, March 23rd, the youth will be hosting a pancake breakfast and bake sale after worship service.  This is to raise funds for 4 youth to go to Affirm this year.  

Also:  We would like to have donations of candy for the Easter egg hunt on Palm Sunday.  There will be a box in the Narthex for your candy donations.   Thank you.


During the Lenten Season, March and April, Helping Hands’ wish is to provide scholarships for special therapy for kids through McKenna Farms Therapy Services.


♦  McKenna Farms Therapy Services is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that provides therapy services to boys and girls with special needs ages birth – 21. The children served have a variety of diagnoses and delays in development♦  Early intervention of therapy for a child with developmental delays allows therapists to work with children through critical stages of gross and fine motor, oral and language development.♦Horses help the kids with a number of physical and mental disabilities. Therapy is a financial burden for many.  Providing scholarships for the kids will help them continue their Hippotherapy and Adaptive Riding therapy programs.

A scholarship of $50 will help a kid ride for ONE session.

Lifeline screening will be here on Tuesday, March 18th.   If you are interested in getting screened for Cardiovascular disease risk please make and appointment.

Kayleigh Bair
Health Service Coordinator
6111 Oak Tree Blvd #301,
Independence, OH 44131
To schedule an appointment:
Visit http://www.llsa.social/HSCA 
Call 888-814-0466

Christ Lutheran Church has three (3) certificates from Life Line Screening for Complimentary Screenings at the March 18th screening.  They are available in the church office on a first come first served basis.  Please contact Cindy in the church office (clcwestcobb@gmail.com or 770-424-2850)  to claim one of the certificates.  The certificate details are as follows.
Valued at USD 85.00
*Good for 1 Individual Screening (worth $85) or $55 may be applied toward any vascular package valued at $159 or more*
Carotid Artery Screening, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening,
Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, Or Atrial Fibrillation Screening.

                                               Cindy's Office Hours  

                                     Monday thru Thursday 9:00am to 4:30pm   
